Highlights of CADAthlon Brazil 2023
The CADAthlon Brazil 2023 – 3rd Brazilian Programming Contest for Design Automation of Integrated Circuits (https://csbc.sbc.org.br/2023/cadathlon-brasil-en/) took place on August 8th in João Pessoa, Paraíba State, Brazil, as a co-located event of the 43rd Annual Congress of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society). It was organized by Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Sul-Rio-Grandense Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSul), Federal Institute of Paraiba (IFPB), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) and sponsored by ACM/SIGDA, IEEE CEDA (Council on Electronic Design Automation), SBC/CECCI (SBC Special Committee on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design) and SBMicro
(Brazilian Microelectronics Society). It was financially sponsored by Synopsys, Chipus Microelectronics, EnSilica, HCLTech, ACM/SIGDA, IEEE CEDA, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) and SBC/CECCI.
As in the first edition, CADAthlon Brazil 2023 followed the same format as the ACM/SIGDA CADAthlon, which happens annually co-located with ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design). During the whole day, 10 two-person teams of students coming from different regions of Brazil worked to solve 6 practical problems on classical EDA topics such as circuit design & analysis, physical design, logic synthesis, high-level synthesis, circuit verification, and application of AI to design automation. The problems were prepared by a team of researchers from industry and academia.
This year the first place was won by team “Flamengo”, from University of Brasília (UnB), formed by Enzo Yoshio Niho and Eduardo Quirino de Oliveira, and the second place was won by team “Rabisco UFSC”, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), formed by Arthur Joao Lourenço and Bernardo Borges Sandoval. The top 2 teams were invited to participate in CADAthlon@ICCAD – SIGDA, a competition that runs in conjunction with ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design) and will be held in SanFrancisco/CA (USA), from October 29 to November 2, 2023.
The CADAthlon Brazil 2023 Organizing Committee greatly thank the Congress of SBC organizers for the logistics support, the problem preparation team and all sponsors, specially the financial support from Synopsys, Chipus Microelectronics, EnSilica, HCLTech, ACM/SIGDA, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS), SBC/CECCI (SBC Special Committee on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design) and IEEE CEDA (through the South Brazil Chapter), which made it possible to cover the travel expenses of the competitors, making the event a huge success. The next edition of CADAthlon Brazil will occur as a co-located event of the 44th Annual Congress of SBC, in July 2024, in Brasilia/DF, capital of Brazil.