Remembering Arvind

From Friends, Colleagues, and Students of Arvind

It is with a heavy heart that we write to share the news that on June 17th 2024, we lost our beloved colleague, mentor, and friend Arvind. Arvind passed away at 77 years old, after an illness he was being treated for took a sudden turn for the worse.

Arvind was a pioneer in computer architecture and digital systems. Over his five decades at MIT, he contributed countless foundational techniques, spanning dataflow architectures, parallel processors and programming languages, hardware description languages, and synthesis and verification of digital systems. Arvind made lasting contributions to hardware and architectural abstractions for both correctness and efficiency.

Arvind received a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur in 1969, followed by a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota in 1972 and 1973, respectively. He taught at UC Irvine from 1974-78 before moving to MIT in 1978. He received several awards during his illustrious career, including distinguished alumni awards from both his alma maters. Arvind became an IEEE Fellow in 1994 and an ACM Fellow in 2006. He was also elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2008.

Arvind’s presence in the computer architecture community will continue to be felt via his legacy of deep technical contributions and his academic lineage. Arvind advised over 35 Ph.D. students during his career, who have all gone on to become leaders in academia and industry.

Arvind was a deep thinker with a great sense of abstraction. He would continuously seek to simplify complex systems proposed and implemented by his students, by relentlessly pushing them to explain the fundamentals to him at abstraction levels that hid the implementation complexity. Those of us who had the pleasure of writing a paper with Arvind know his single-minded devotion to really understand each result at its most fundamental level. Even after all the research was done and maybe after we all, meaning everyone except Arvind, thought the paper was done, Arvind would often force us all to understand it at yet a deeper level. Then, no matter the lateness of the hour, we had to explain this new understanding to the world to Arvind’s satisfaction. Two of his students recall working hard on a paper over many weeks but could not get it polished to Arvind’s exacting standards before the deadline. The students thought it was good enough to potentially be accepted and certainly not an embarrassment. Arvind told them “you can submit it, but take my name off of it.” This was his way of teaching students how to simplify complexity through abstraction. Invariably, these efforts would result in advancements that would have been difficult to tease out from the original description. Arvind would say that once a researcher gets used to this abstract thinking style, there is no way for them to change back. Arvind was like this in all intellectual and interpersonal pursuits. Certainly, his students were converted for life.

Arvind sincerely believed that knowledge was its own reward. One time in a discussion about the content of annual reviews, he commented that when he thinks back over the year if he can identify one (or maybe two) deep insights he gained over the year, then he considered it a successful year. That seems to be the epitome of self-actualization.

Arvind would say that a PhD advisor shouldn’t believe that they had anything to do with the brilliance of the students they graduate when the students were already bright when they came to the advisor! His sage advice to his students who went on to become professors was “The best thing an advisor can do is to keep pointing a student in the right direction and hang on for the good ride.”

Arvind treated his research group as part of the family. Arvind’s wife Gita would often take their sons to visit him at the office when they were young, as much to see the grad students as Arvind. Frequently, discussions at MIT would last into late evenings, and Arvind would call on Gita to bring food to him and his students, so they could continue the discussion. And Gita would deliver, without fail!

Arvind was deeply passionate about teaching and played a significant role in developing course content for computer architecture and hardware design courses both at MIT and several other universities via sabbaticals and collaborations. He would prepare extensively, sometimes for days, going over each slide in excruciating detail, for a lecture that he had given many times before. His love for and dedication to teaching never took a back seat even when he was ailing – he watched and critiqued the final project presentations and actively participated in final grading for the course he was teaching in Spring 2024 from a hospital bed.

On a personal level, Arvind was a wonderful person: truly kind and giving, and always smiling. He was an inspiring mentor and a true friend to countless students, colleagues, and researchers around the world. Arvind and Gita opened their Arlington home to anyone and everyone they met. Their annual Diwali parties over 3 decades were highlights for those lucky enough to attend; attendees would invariably be amazed by the myriad friends from different walks of life that Arvind and Gita had collected. They were true pillars of both the MIT and Arlington communities — and in some circles, Arvind was simply known as Gita’s husband!

For all of us, Arvind was a constant source of positive energy and wisdom. One of his favorite quotes was, “Pessimists are more often right, optimists live happier lives!.” That was certainly true of Arvind — his zest for life was infectious and he invariably lifted people’s spirits. May you rest in peace, dear Arvind. You will live forever in our hearts.


ISPD ’24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Symposium on Physical Design

 Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Session 1: Opening Session and First Keynote

Engineering the Future of IC Design with AI

  • Ruchir Puri

Software and Semiconductors are two fundamental technologies that have become woven into every aspect of our society, and it will be fair to say that “Software and Semiconductors have eaten the world”. More recently, advances in AI are starting to transform every aspect of our society as well. These are three tectonic forces of transformation – “AI”, -Software”, and “Semiconductors” which are colliding together resulting in a seismic shift – a future where both software and semiconductor chips themselves will be designed, optimized, and operated by AI – pushing us towards a future where “Computers can program themselves!”. In this talk, we will discuss these forces of “AI for Chips and Code” and how the future of Semiconductor chip design and software engineering is being redefined by AI.

SESSION: Session 2: Partitioning and Clustering

MedPart: A Multi-Level Evolutionary Differentiable Hypergraph Partitioner

  • Rongjian Liang
  • Anthony Agnesina
  • Haoxing Ren

State-of-the-art hypergraph partitioners, such as hMETIS, usually adopt a multi-level paradigm for efficiency and scalability. However, they are prone to getting trapped in local minima due to their reliance on refinement heuristics and overlooking global structural information during coarsening. SpecPart, the most advanced academic hypergraph partitioning refinement method, improves partitioning by leveraging spectral information. Still, its success depends heavily on the quality of initial input solutions. This work introduces MedPart, a multi-level evolutionary differentiable hypergraph partitioner. MedPart follows the multi-level paradigm but addresses its limitations by using fast spectral coarsening and introducing a novel evolutionary differentiable algorithm to optimize each coarsening level. Moreover, by analogy between hypergraph partitioning and deep graph learning, our evolutionary differentiable algorithm can be accelerated with deep graph learning toolkits on GPUs. Experiments on public benchmarks consistently show MedPart outperforming hMETIS and achieving up to a 30% improvement in cut size for some benchmarks compared to the best-published solutions, including those from SpecPart—moreover, MedPart’s runtime scales linearly with the number of hyperedges.

FuILT: Full Chip ILT System With Boundary Healing

  • Shuo Yin
  • Wenqian Zhao
  • Li Xie
  • Hong Chen
  • Yuzhe Ma
  • Tsung-Yi Ho
  • Bei Yu

Mask optimization in lithography is becoming increasingly impor- tant as the technology node size shrinks down. Inverse Lithography Technology (ILT) is one of the most performant and robust solutions widely used in the industry, yet it still suffers from heavy time con- sumption and complexity. As the number of transistors scales up, the industry currently focuses more on efficiency improvement and workload distribution. Meanwhile, most recent publications are still tangled in local pattern restoration regardless of real manufacturing conditions. We are trying to extend academia to some real industrial bottlenecks with FuILT, a practical full-chip ILT-based mask opti- mization flow. Firstly, we build a multi-level partitioning strategy with the divide-and-conquer mindset to tackle the full-chip ILT prob- lem. Secondly, we implement a workload distribution framework to maintain hardware efficiency with scalable multi-GPU parallelism. Thirdly, we propose a gradient-fusion technique and a multi-level healing strategy to fix the boundary error at different levels. Our experimental results on different layers from real designs show that FuILT is both effective and generalizable.

Slack Redistributed Register Clustering with Mixed-Driving Strength Multi-bit Flip-Flops

  • Yen-Yu Chen
  • Hao-Yu Wu
  • Iris Hui-Ru Jiang
  • Cheng-Hong Tsai
  • Chien-Cheng Wu

Register clustering is an effective technique for suppressing the increasing dynamic power ratio in modern IC design. By clustering registers (flip-flops) into multi-bit flip-flops (MBFFs), clock circuitry can be shared, and the number of clock sinks and buffers can be lowered, thereby reducing power consumption. Recently, the use of mixed-driving strength MBFFs has provided more flexibility for power and timing optimization. Nevertheless, existing register clustering methods usually employ evenly distributed and invariant path slack strategies. Unlike them, in this work, we propose a register clustering algorithm with slack redistribution at the post-placement stage. Our approach allows registers to borrow slack from connected paths, creates the possibility to cluster with neighboring maximal cliques, and releases extra slack. An adaptive interval graph based on the red-black tree is developed to efficiently adapt timing feasible regions of flip-flops for slack redistribution. An attraction-repulsion force model is tailored to wisely select flip-flops to be included in each MBFF. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art work in terms of clock power reduction, timing balancing, and runtime.

SESSION: Session 3: Timing Optimization

Calibration-Based Differentiable Timing Optimization in Non-linear Global Placement

  • Wuxi Li
  • Yuji Kukimoto
  • Gregory Servel
  • Ismail Bustany
  • Mehrdad E. Dehkordi

Placement plays a crucial role in the timing closure of integrated circuit (IC) physical design. This paper presents an efficient and effective calibration-based differentiable timing-driven global placement engine. Our key innovation is a calibration technique that approximates a precise but expensive reference timer, such as a signoff timer, using a lightweight simple timer. This calibrated simple timer inherently accounts for intricate timing exceptions and common path pessimism removal (CPPR) prevalent in industry designs. Extending this calibrated simple timer into a differentiable timing engine enables ultrafast yet accurate timing optimization in non-linear global placement. Experimental results on various industry designs demonstrate the superiority of the proposed framework over the latest AMD Vivado and traditional net-weighting methods across key metrics including maximum clock frequency, wirelength, routability, and overall back-end runtime.

Novel Airgap Insertion and Layer Reassignment for Timing Optimization Guided by Slack Dependency

  • Wei-Chen Tai
  • Min-Hsien Chung
  • Iris Hui-Ru Jiang

BEOL with airgap technology is an alternative metallization option with promising performance, electrical yield and reliability to explore at 2nm node and beyond. Airgaps form cavities in inter-metal dielectrics (IMD) between interconnects. The ultra-low dielectric constant reduces line-to-line capacitance, thus shortening the interconnect delay. The shortened interconnect delay is beneficial to setup timing but harmful to hold timing. To minimize the additional manufacturing cost, the number of metal layers that accommodate airgaps is practically limited. Hence, circuit timing optimization at post routing can be achieved by wisely performing airgap insertion and layer reassignment to timing critical nets. In this paper, we present a novel and fast airgap insertion approach for timing optimization. A Slack Dependency Graph (SDG) is constructed to view the timing slack relationship of a circuit with path segments. With the global view provided by SDG, we can avoid ineffective optimizations. Our Linear Programming (LP) formulation simultaneously solves airgap insertion and layer reassignment and allows a flexible amount of airgap to be inserted. Both SDG update and LP solving can be done extremely fast. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art work on both total negative slack (TNS) and worst negative slack (WNS) with more than 89× speedup.

Parallel and Heterogeneous Timing Analysis: Partition, Algorithm, and System

  • Tsung-Wei Huang
  • Boyang Zhang
  • Dian-Lun Lin
  • Cheng-Hsiang Chiu

Static timing analysis (STA) is an integral part in the overall design flow because it verifies the expected timing behaviors of a circuit. However, as the circuit complexity continues to enlarge, there is an increasing need for enhancing the performance of existing STA algorithms using emerging heterogeneous parallelism that comprises manycore central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs). In this paper, we introduce several state-of-the-art STA techniques, including task-based parallelism, task graph partition, and GPU kernel algorithms, all of which have brought significant performance benefits to STA applications. Motivated by these successful results, we will introduce a task-parallel programming system to generalize our solutions to benefit broader scientific computing applications.

SESSION: Session 4: Panel on EDA Challenges at Advanced Technology Nodes

Introduction to the Panel on EDA Challenges at Advanced Technology Nodes

  • Tung-Chieh Chen

We have gathered a panel of experts who will delve into the electronic design automation (EDA) challenges at advanced technology nodes. In this rapidly evolving field, the race towards miniaturization presents new hurdles and complexities. With advanced nodes shrinking, design and technology co-optimization becomes an increasingly intricate task. Our panelists will share their unique insights on how they approach these challenges and the impact of complicated design rules on the design process. As designs grow larger and more complex, novel strategies and methodologies are necessary to address the runtime issues of EDA tools. Our discussion will explore these strategies, including promising emerging technologies such as multi-machine or GPU acceleration that show potential in mitigating runtime challenges.

In the realm of design space exploration, effective navigation of trade-offs between different design objectives, especially power, performance, and area, is critical. Our panelists will share experiences of frontend/backend co-optimization in the advanced node design flow and discuss how machine learning techniques can be harnessed to predict and estimate various aspects of the design process. As we step into the era of “More than Moore,” the integration of diverse technologies into a unified design process presents both opportunities and challenges. Our discussion will explore anticipated advancements in advanced packaging or heterogeneous integration and identify issues at advanced technology nodes that, in the panelists’ opinion, have not yet been adequately addressed by commercial tools and/or academic research.

We will also delve into the scaling and runtime challenges at multi-million gates and beyond, the current state of EDA tools for data-sharing for machine learning/AI across tools, and the major new issues that need to be addressed for more optimal design in the 2nm to 5nm process technology nodes. Finally, we will discuss the high-priority research topics that need to be tackled to address advanced technology nodes. We look forward to an enlightening discussion filled with expert insights and thought-provoking ideas.

Panel Statement: EDA Needs at Advanced Technology Nodes

  • Andrew B. Kahng

Improvements in EDA technology become more urgent with the loss of traditional scaling levers and the growing complexity of leading-edge designs. The roadmap for device and cell architectures, power delivery, multi-tier integration, and multiphysics signoffs presents severe challenges to current optimization frameworks. In future advanced technologies, the quality of results, speed, and cost of EDA will be essential components of scaling. Each stage of the design flow must deliver predictable results for given inputs and targets. Optimization goals must stay correlated to downstream and final design outcomes.

The EDA and design ecosystem must achieve an aligned interest in scalable, efficient optimization. End-case solvers and core engines should become commoditized, freeing researchers and EDA suppliers to address new automation requirements. A rearchitected, rebuilt EDA 2.0 must achieve results in less time (multithreading, GPU) and better results in same time (cloud-native, sampling), while enabling AI/ML that steers and orchestrates optimizers within the design process. To deliver high-value system-technology pathfinding and implementation tools in time to meet industry needs, EDA must develop (learn) new optimization objectives, hierarchical solution strategies, multiphysics reduced-order models, and conditioning of instances at the interstices between chained optimizations. Last, as a community, EDA will meet the challenges of advanced technologies by investing in research and workforce development, via open infrastructure for ML EDA, and via proxy research enablements.

Large Language Models for EDA: Future or Mirage?

  • Zhuolun He
  • Bei Yu

In this paper, we explore the burgeoning intersection of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Electronic Design Automation (EDA). We critically assess whether LLMs represent a transformative future for EDA or merely a fleeting mirage. By analyzing current advancements, challenges, and potential applications, we dissect how LLMs can revolutionize EDA processes like design, verification, and optimization. Furthermore, we contemplate the ethical implications and feasibility of integrating these models into EDA workflows. Ultimately, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based perspective on the role of LLMs in shaping the future of EDA.

PANEL: EDA Challenges at Advanced Technology Nodes A

  • Eugene Liu

Le-Chin Eugene Liu received a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in electronics engineering from the National Chao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and a Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.

PANEL: EDA Challenges at Advanced Technology Nodes B

  • Guang-Wan Liao

PPA (Performance, Power, and Area) is our goal. Although most people no longer pursue top speed, it is still very important. When reducing power and area, a common side effect is that timing gets worse. Low power/area method never makes speed faster. Once the speed slows down, buffering or up-sizing is inevitable. The difference between previous tech nodes is the gap between global and detailed placement (GP and DP). More and more rules make gap growing. Once DP cannot make most instances to stay original place, expectation of global placement will be disappointed. GP or more buffering will be necessary again. Physical-rule awareness will be a necessary improvement for GP/buffering. We will list some of the challenges how advanced nodes face.

Challenges in Floorplanning and Macro Placement for Modern SoCs

  • I-Lun Tseng

Modern System-on-Chips (SoCs), such as smartphone microprocessors, are composed of billions of transistors existing in various subsystems. These subsystems can include Central Processing Units (CPUs), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Neural Processing Units (NPUs), Image Signal Processors (ISPs), Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), communication modems, memory controllers, and many others. For efficient Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tasks, such as those involving logic synthesis, placement, clock tree synthesis (CTS), and/or routing, these subsystems are typically broken down into smaller, more manageable circuit blocks, or circuit partitions. This subdivision strategy is crucial for keeping design times within reasonable limits.

During the top-level floorplanning phase of chip design, the dimensions, interconnect ports, and physical locations of circuit partitions are defined; the physical boundaries of these partitions are commonly designed as rectilinear shapes rather than rectangles. Partitions that are excessively large can lead to inefficient use of chip area, higher power consumption, and higher production costs. Conversely, undersized partitions can hinder subsequent physical design processes, potentially causing delays in the overall chip design schedule. Furthermore, a poor floorplan can lead to longer wire lengths and can increase feedthrough net counts in partitions, adversely affecting power, performance, and area (PPA).

In practice, the top-level floorplanning phase of chip design can involve multiple iterations of its processes. An initial iteration typically involves estimating the approximate area of each circuit partition based on various factors, such as the dimensions of macros (including SRAM macros), the number of standard cell instances, and the standard cell utilization rate, which can be projected based on the data from previous designs. These preliminary estimates are crucial for defining the initial shapes, dimensions, interconnect ports, and physical locations of the partitions. Subsequently, the downstream design processes can advance either to partition-level physical design (which includes macro placement, standard cell placement, CTS, routing, etc.) or to physical-aware logic synthesis, which uses the defined layout data to more precisely assess layout-induced effects and produce more accurate gate-level netlists.

Once the dimensions and interconnect locations of circuit partitions are defined, macro placement, which is usually followed by standard cell placement and routing processes, can be conducted. After performing these processes, PPA results may indicate that certain partitions require size adjustments due to being too small, whereas others may be identified as candidates for area reduction. Such alterations in the circuit partition areas necessitate modifications to the top-level floorplan. Furthermore, in subsequent iterations of floorplanning, certain elements (such as feedthrough nets/ports) may be added into and/or removed from partitions, prompting a reevaluation of the physical implementation feasibility for these partitions; the reevaluation stage may involve additional macro placement, cell placement, and routing activities.

Macro placement is crucial in physical design as its outcomes can substantially influence standard cell placement, CTS, routing, circuit timing, and even power consumption. However, at advanced technology nodes, macro placement outcomes produced by commercial EDA tools and reinforcement learning (RL)-based tools often require human modifications prior to practical use, which in part owing to complex design rules associated with advanced technology nodes, although these tools can rapidly generate results. Additionally, it has been observed that suboptimal macro placement can lead to issues such as IR drop and increased dynamic/static power consumption. However, these issues, which may be checked more accurately in later stages of a design flow, are frequently not addressed in a typical macro placement process. In modern SoCs, moreover, it is very common that a circuit partition contains multiple power domains. Performing macro placement on this type of circuit partition may require domain floorplanning prior to placing macros and standard cell instances within their respective power domain regions.

As described previously, the floorplanning and the macro placement are often interrelated. Early iterations of floorplanning may not achieve the best configurations for partitions in terms of PPA, leading to additional iterations in the design flow. Also, the macro placement process, along with subsequent cell placement and routing tasks, can serve as a critical and potentially fast evaluation step to assess each partition’s physical implementation feasibility, thereby driving continuous refinements in the floorplan. This iterative methodology is crucial in achieving a more refined and optimized chip design, which is especially critical at advanced technology nodes where wafer costs are significantly high.

In designing modern SoCs, the importance of performing high-quality floorplanning and high-quality macro placement cannot be overemphasized. Specifically, the floorplanning and the macro placement challenges encountered in the industry, and the obstacles preventing complete automation of these processes need to be re-examined. With ongoing advancements in EDA and AI/ML technologies, such as the application of reinforcement learning (RL) in tuning design flow parameters, coupled with enhanced computational power, we anticipate a substantial improvement and/or potential automation in the iterative aspects of these design processes. Such advancements will not only alleviate the workload of engineers but also enhance the overall quality of results (QoR) in chip designs.

PANEL: EDA Challenges at Advanced Technology Nodes C

  • Keh-Jeng Chang

EDA ecosystem’s fantastic supports and innovations have helped achieve better logic, memory, wafer-level packaging, and AI chips and systems [1] [2] and [3], for decades. We look forward to the continuous win-win collaborations among university scientists, circuit designers, semiconductor chip manufacturers and EDA companies in the foreseeable future. The critical issue in 2024 is what the major challenges are. A few months ago in the December 2023 IEDM in San Francisco, world-wide semiconductor experts are postulating that the complexities of the upcoming high-end electronic systems will soon be in the range of one trillion transistors. Advanced transistors used are either FinFET or GAA/nanosheet, or both, in need of design and technology co-optimization (DTCO). Innovations in the 3DFabric Alliance [2] are essential to the trillion-transistor trend. The leap from traditional SoC/IC designs to 3DFabric (3DIC) designs brings new benefits and opportunities. This new system-level design paradigm inevitably introduces new EDA challenges on system design, verification, thermal management, mechanical stress, and electrical-photonic compliance of the entire 3DIC assembly and reliability.

The author summarizes here an updated list of four major EDA challenges: (1) New post-FinFET, GAA, and nanosheet design and technology co-optimization (DTCO) [3] and physical design algorithms that can provide VLSI/SoC circuit designers with efficient APR and physics based SPICE models along with efficient RLC back annotations; (2) New, fast, and physics based chip-level and system-level SI/PI/EMC simulation tools and flows; (3) New concept-to-physical design methodology that can help achieve high-quality, user-friendly, and fast time-to-market EDA methodology for wafer-level packages of AI and data center solutions; (4) We expect silicon photonics will be mature within a few years and its EDA solution is challenging.

SESSION: Session 5: 3D ICs

Routing-aware Legal Hybrid Bonding Terminal Assignment for 3D Face-to-Face Stacked ICs

  • Siting Liu
  • Jiaxi Jiang
  • Zhuolun He
  • Ziyi Wang
  • Yibo Lin
  • Bei Yu
  • Martin Wong

Face-to-face (F2F) stacked 3D IC is a promising alternative for scaling beyond Moore’s Law. In F2F 3D ICs, dies are connected through bonding terminals whose positions can significantly impact routing performance. Further, there exists resource competition among all the 3D nets due to the constrained bonding terminal number. In advanced technology nodes, such 3D integration may also introduce legality challenges of bonding terminals, as the metal pitches can be much smaller than the sizes of bonding terminals. Previous works attempt to insert bonding terminals automatically using existing 2D commercial P&R tools and then consider inter-die connection legality, but they fail to take the legality and routing performance into account simultaneously. In this paper, we explore the formulation of the generalized assignment in the hybrid bonding terminal assignment problem. Our framework, BTAssign, offers a strict legality guarantee and an iterative solution. The experiments are conducted on 18 open-source designs with various 3D net densities and the most advanced bonding scale. The results reveal that BTAssign can achieve improvements in routed wirelength under all testing conditions from 1.0% to 5.0% with a tolerable runtime overhead.

Unified 3D-IC Multi-Chiplet System Design Solution

  • Wang-Tyng Lay

With the advancements in 2.5/3D fabrication offered by Foundry Technologies for unleashing computing power, EDA tools must adapt and take a direction to be more integrated and IC centric for multi-chiplet system design. 3D stacking introduces extra design and analysis requirements like full system planning, power, thermal analysis, cross-die STA and inter-die physical verification which have to be taken into account early during planning and implementation. In this paper, Cadence presents its technology that proactively looks ahead through integrated early analysis and addresses all aspects of 3D-IC design comprehensively from system planning, implementation, analysis and system level signoff capabilities.

Warpage Study by Employing an Advanced Simulation Methodology for Assessing Chip Package Interaction Effects

  • Jun-Ho Choy
  • Stéphane Moreau
  • Catherine Brunet-Manquat
  • Valeriy Sukharev
  • Armen Kteyan

A physics-based multi-scale simulation methodology that analyses die stress variations generated by package fabrication is employed for warpage study. The methodology combines coordinate-dependent anisotropic effective properties extractor with finite element analysis (FEA) engine, and computes mechanical stress globally on a package-scale, as well as locally on a feature-scale. For the purpose of mechanical failure analysis in the early stage of a package design, the warpage measurements were used for the tool’s calibration. The warpage measurements on printed circuit board (PCB), interposer and chiplet samples, during heating and subsequent cooling, were employed for calibrating the model parameters. The warpage simulation results on full package represented by PCB-interposer-chiplets stack demonstrate the overall good agreement with measurement profile. Performed study demonstrates that the developed electronic design automation (EDA) tool and methodology can be used for accurate warpage prediction in different types of IC stacks at early stage of package design.

Challenges for Automating PCB Layout

  • Wen-Hao Liu
  • Anthony Agnesina
  • Haoxing Mark Ren

Printed circuit board (PCB) design is typically semi-automated or fully manual. However, in recent years, the scale of PCB designs has rapidly enlarged, such that the engineering effort of manual design has increased dramatically. Therefore, the criticality of automation emerges. PCB houses are looking for productivity improvement that is contributed by automation. In this talk, the speaker will give a short tutorial about how a PCB design is done today and then indicate the challenges and opportunities for PCB design automation.

SESSION: Session 6: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

FastTuner: Transferable Physical Design Parameter Optimization using Fast Reinforcement Learning

  • Hao-Hsiang Hsiao
  • Yi-Chen Lu
  • Pruek Vanna-Iampikul
  • Sung Kyu Lim

Current state-of-the-art Design Space Exploration (DSE) methods in Physical Design (PD), including Bayesian optimization (BO) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), mainly rely on black-boxed rather than parametric (e.g., neural networks) approaches to improve end-of-flow Power, Performance, and Area (PPA) metrics, which often fail to generalize across unseen designs as netlist features are not properly leveraged. To overcome this issue, in this paper, we develop a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent that leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Transformers to perform “fast” DSE on unseen designs by sequentially encoding netlist features across different PD stages. Particularly, an attention-based encoder-decoder framework is devised for “conditional” parameter tuning, and a PPA estimator is introduced to predict end-of-flow PPA metrics for RL reward estimation. Extensive studies across 7 industrial designs under the TSMC 28nm technology node demonstrate that the proposed framework FastTuner, significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art DSE techniques in both optimization quality and runtime. where we observe improvements up to 79.38% in Total Negative Slack (TNS), 12.22% in total power, and 50x in runtime.

Methodology of Resolving Design Rule Checking Violations Coupled with Fully Compatible Prediction Model

  • Suwan Kim
  • Hyunbum Park
  • Kyeonghyeon Baek
  • Kyumyung Choi
  • Taewhan Kim

Resolving the design rule checking (DRC) violations at the pre-route stage is critically important to reduce the time-consuming design closure process at the post-route stage. Recently, noticeable methodologies have been proposed to predict DRC hotspots using Machine Learning based prediction models. However, little attention has been paid to how the predicted DRC violations can be effectively resolved. In this paper, we propose a pre-route DRC violation resolution methodology that is tightly coupled with fully compatible prediction model. Precisely, we devise different resolution strategies for two types of DRC violations: (1) pin accessibility (PA)-related and (2) routing congestion (RC)-related. To this end, we develop a fully predictable ML-based model for both PA and RC-related DRC violations, and propose completely different resolution techniques to be applied depending on the DRC violation type informed by the compatible prediction model such that for (1) PA-related DRC violation, we extract the DRC violation mitigating regions, then improve placement by formulating the whitespace redistribution problem on the regions into an instance of Bayesian Optimization problem to produce an optimal cell perturbation, while for (2) RC-related DRC violation, we manipulate the routing resources within the regions that have high potential for the occurrence of RC-related DRC violation. Through experiments, it is shown that our methodology is able to resolve the number of DRC violations by 26.54%, 25.28%, and 20.34% further on average over that by a conventional flow with no resolution, a commercial ECO router, and a state-of-the-art academic predictor/resolver, respectively, while maintaining comparable design quality.

AI for EDA/Physical Design: Driving the AI Revolution: The Crucial Role of 3D-IC

  • Erick Chao

3D Integrated Circuits (3D-ICs) represent a significant advancement in semiconductor technology, offering enhanced functionality in smaller form factors, improved performance, and cost reductions. These 3D-ICs, particularly those utilizing Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs), are at the forefront of industry trends. They enable the integration of system components from various process nodes, including analog and RF, without being limited to a single node. TSVs outperform wire-bonded System in Package (SiP) in terms of reduced (RLC) parasitics, offering better performance, more power efficiency, and denser implementation. Compared to silicon interposer methods, vertical 3D die stacking achieves higher integration levels, smaller sizes, and quicker design cycles. This presentation introduces a novel AI-driven method designed to tackle the challenges hindering the automation of 3D-IC design flows. – A Distributed System to Optimize Physical Design Flows

  • Piyush Verma

The VLSI chip design process consists of a sequence of distinct steps like floor planning, placement, clock tree synthesis and routing. Each of these steps requires solving optimization problems that are often NP-hard, and the state-of-the art algorithms are not guaranteed to the optimal. Due to the compartmentalization of the design flow into distinct steps, these optimization problems are solved sequentially, with the output of first feeding into the next. This results in an inherent inefficiency, where the optimization goal of an early step problem is estimated using a fast and approximate surrogate model for the following steps. Consequently, any improvement in the step-specific optimization algorithm, while obvious at that step, is much smaller when measured at the end of the full design flow. For example, the placement step minimizes wire length. In the absence of routed nets, this wire length might be estimated by using a simple wire length model like the Steiner tree. Thus, any improvement in the placement algorithm is limited by the accuracy of the wire length estimate.

Recently, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a promising alternative to the state-of-the-art algorithms used to solve optimization problems in placement and routing of a VLSI design [1, 2, 3]. The RL problem setup involves an agent exploring an unknown environment to achieve a goal. RL is based on the hypothesis that all goals can be described by the maximization of expected cumulative reward. The agent must learn to sense and perturb the state of the environment using its actions to derive maximal reward. Many problems in VLSI chip design can be represented as Markov Decision Problems (MDPs), where design optimization objectives are converted into rewards given by the environment and design variables are converted into actions provided to the environment. Recent advances in applying RL to VLSI implementation problems such as floor planning, standard cell layout, synthesis and placement have demonstrated improvements over the state-of-the-art algorithms. However, these improvements continue to be limited by the inaccuracies in the estimate of the optimization goal as described previously.

With, we have built a distributed system for the optimization of physical design flow, where multiple iterations of parallel runs are used to optimize enormous design parameter search spaces. In addition to a multiplicative improvement in human productivity, it has unlocked significant performance gains across a wide range of technology nodes. At the heart of’s decision engine is an implementation of RL that solves the sequential decision making and optimization problem spanning the entire design flow. Unlike prior works where RL is used for step-specific optimization within the chip design flow,’s RL algorithm wraps around the optimization steps to guide them via parameter choices that depend upon the optimization goal for the full flow. Thus, the quality of the final design generated by is no longer subject to the limitations of the compartmentalized design flow.’s RL algorithm views the full chip design flow as one optimization problem, where the design quality at the end of the flow is the only one that matters. To propagate the design through the design flow, makes parameter choices for the underlying optimization steps, which constitute its action space. By tracking the effect of these actions as a function of the design state, can find the optimal sequence of actions to meet the optimization goal at the end of the full flow.

In this presentation, we demonstrate how provides a flexible framework to integrate with existing design flows and serve the design quality needs throughout the design evolution cycle. We will also highlight how is allowing expert designers at Synopsys to package their knowledge into fully featured toolboxes ready to be deployed by novice designers. We will provide a summary of QoR gains that has delivered on advanced process nodes. Finally, we will show how’s decision engine is paving the way to automating the parameter choices in the chip design flow.

Solvers, Engines, Tools and Flows: The Next Wave for AI/ML in Physical Design

  • Andrew B. Kahng

It has been six years since an ISPD-2018 invited talk on “Machine Learning Applications in Physical Design”. Since then, despite considerable activity across both academia and industry, many R&D targets remain open. At the same time, there is now clearer understanding of where AI/ML can and cannot (yet) move the needle in physical design, as well as some of the difficult blockers and technical challenges that lie ahead. Some futures for AI/ML-boosted physical design are visible across solvers, engines, tools and flows – and in contexts that span generative AI, the modeling of “magic” handoffs at flow interstices, academic research infrastructure, and the culture of benchmarking and open-source EDA.

SESSION: Session 7: Second Keynote

Physical Design Challenges in Modern Heterogeneous Integration

  • Yao-Wen Chang

To achieve the power, performance, and area (PPA) target in modern semiconductor design, the trend to go for More-than-Moore heterogeneous integration by packing various components/dies into a package becomes more obvious as the economic advantages of More-Moore scaling for on-chip integration are getting smaller and smaller. In particular, we have already encountered the high cost of moving to more advanced technology and the high fabrication cost associated with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography , mask, process, design, electronic design automation (EDA), etc. Heterogeneous integration refers to integrating separately manufactured components into a higher-level assembly (in a package or even multiple packages in a PCB) that provides enhanced functionality and improved operating characteristics. Unlike the on-chip designs with relatively regular components and wirings, the physical design problem for heterogeneous integration often needs to handle arbitrary component shapes, diverse metal wire widths, and different spacing requirements between components, wire metals, and pads, with multiple cross-physics domain considerations such as system-level, physical, electrical, mechanical, thermal, and optical effects, which are not well addressed in the traditional chip design flow. In this paper, we first introduce popular heterogeneous integration technologies and options, their layout modeling and physical design challenges, survey key published techniques, and provide future research directions for modern physical design for heterogeneous integration.

SESSION: Session 8: Analog

Fundamental Differences Between Analog and Digital Design Problems – An Introduction

  • Juergen Scheible

This article discusses fundamental differences between analog and digital circuits from a design perspective. On this basis one can understand why the design flows of these two circuit types differ so greatly, notably with regard to their degree of automation.

Layout Verification Using Open-Source Software

  • Andreas Krinke
  • Robert Fischbach
  • Jens Lienig

The design and manufacturing of integrated circuits is an expensive endeavor. The use of open-source software can lower the barrier to entry significantly, especially for smaller companies or startups. In this paper, we look at open-source software for layout verification, a crucial step in ensuring the consistency and manufacturability of a design. We show that a comprehensive design rule check (DRC) and layout versus schematic (LVS) check for commercial technologies is possible with open-source software in general and with KLayout in particular. To facilitate the use of these tools, we present our approach to automatically generate the required DRC scripts from a more abstract representation. As a result, we are able to generate nearly 74% of the over 1000 design rules of X-FABs XH018 180nm technology as a DRC script for the open-source software KLayout. This demonstrates the potential of using open-source software for layout verification and open-source process design kits (PDKs) in general.

Reinforcement Learning or Simulated Annealing for Analog Placement? A Study based on Bounded-Sliceline Grids

  • Mark Po-Hung Lin
  • Chou-Chen Lee
  • Yi-Chao Hsieh

Analog placement is a crucial phase in analog integrated circuit synthesis, impacting the quality and performance of the final circuits. This process involves determining the physical positions of analog building blocks while minimizing chip area and interconnecting wire-length. Existing methodologies often rely on the simulated-annealing (SA) approach, prioritizing constraints like symmetry-island, proximity, and well-island. We present a novel reinforcement learning (RL) based analog placement methodology on the bounded-sliceline grid (BSG) structure. Introducing a hierarchical clustering feature in BSG, we address well-island, proximity, and symmetry constraints. In experimental comparisons with the SA approach, our RL-based method exhibits superior placement quality across various analog circuits.

SESSION: Session 9: Placement

Practical Mixed-Cell-Height Legalization Considering Vertical Cell Abutment Constraint

  • Teng-Ping Huang
  • Shao-Yun Fang

Propelled by aggressive technology scaling, adopting mixed-cell-height design in VLSI circuits has made conventional single row-based cell legalization techniques obsolete. Furthermore, the vertical abutment constraint (VAC) among cells on consecutive rows emerges as an advanced design requirement, which has rarely been considered because the power/ground rails were sufficiently tall in conventional process nodes to isolate cells on different rows. Although there have been a number of studies on mixed-cell-height legalization, most of them cannot be trivially extended to well-tackle the general VAC due to the analytical optimization scheme. To address these issues, this work proposes the first mixed-cell-height legalization algorithm that addresses the general inter-row cell abutment constraint (i.e., VAC). The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms previous mixed-cell-height legalization works, even in the absence of the VAC. Upon applying the VAC, our algorithm offers superior performance and delivers promising results.

Multi-Electrostatics Based Placement for Non-Integer Multiple-Height Cells

  • Yu Zhang
  • Yuan Pu
  • Fangzhou Liu
  • Peiyu Liao
  • Kai-Yuan Chao
  • Keren Zhu
  • Yibo Lin
  • Bei Yu

A circuit design incorporating non-integer multi-height (NIMH) cells, such as a combination of 8-track and 12-track cells, offers increased flexibility in optimizing area, timing, and power simultaneously. The conventional approach for placing NIMH cells involves using commercial tools to generate an initial global placement, followed by a legalization process that divides the block area into row regions with specific heights and relocates cells to rows of matching height. However, such placement flow often causes significant disruptions in the initial placement results, resulting in inferior wirelength. To address this issue, we propose a novel multi-electrostatics-based global placement algorithm that utilizes the NIMH-aware clustering method to dynamically generate rows. This algorithm directly tackles the global placement problem with NIMH cells. Specifically, we utilize an augmented Lagrangian formulation along with a preconditioning technique to achieve high-quality solutions with fast and robust numerical convergence. Experimental results on the OpenCores benchmarks demonstrate that our algorithm achieves about 12% improvements on HPWL with 23.5X speed up on average, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, our placement solutions demonstrate a substantial improvement in WNS and TNS by 22% and 49% respectively. These results affirm the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in solving row-based placement problems for NIMH cells.

IncreMacro: Incremental Macro Placement Refinement

  • Yuan Pu
  • Tinghuan Chen
  • Zhuolun He
  • Chen Bai
  • Haisheng Zheng
  • Yibo Lin
  • Bei Yu

This paper proposes IncreMacro, a novel approach for macro placement refinement in the context of integrated circuit (IC) design. The suggested approach iteratively and incrementally optimizes the placement of macros in order to enhance IC layout routability and timing performance. To achieve this, IncreMacro utilizes several methods including kd-tree-based macro diagnosis, gradient-based macro shifting and constraint-graph-based LP for macro legalization. By employing these techniques iteratively, IncreMacro meets two critical solution requirements of macro placement: (1) pushing macros to the chip boundary; and (2) preserving the original macro relative positional relationship. The proposed approach has been incorporated into DREAMPlace and AutoDMP, and is evaluated on several RISC-V benchmark circuits at the 7-nm technology node. Experimental results show that, compared with the macro placement solution provided by DREAMPlace (AutoDMP), IncreMacro reduces routed wirelength by 6.5% (16.8%), improves the routed worst negative slack (WNS) and total negative slack (TNS) by 59.9% (99.6%) and 63.9% (99.9%), and reduces the total power consumption by 3.3% (4.9%).

Timing-Driven Analytical Placement According to Expected Cell Distribution Range

  • Jai-Ming Lin
  • You-Yu Chang
  • Wei-Lun Huang

Since the multilevel framework with the analytical approach has been proven as a promising method to handle the very-large-scale integration (VLSI) placement problem, this paper presents two techniques including a pin-connectivity-aware cluster score function and identification of expected object distribution ranges to further improve the coarsening and refinement stages of this framework. Moreover, we extend the proposed analytical placement method to consider timing in order to speed up design convergence. To optimize timing without increasing wirelength, our approach only increases the weights of timing-critical nets, where the weight of a net is estimated according to the associated timing slack and degree. Besides, we propose a new equation to update net weights based on their historical values to maintain the stability of the net-based timing-driven placement approach. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed analytical placement approach with new techniques can actually improve wirelength of the classic approach. Moreover, our TDP can get much better WNS and TNS than the previous timing-driven placers such as DREAMPlace4.0 and Differentiable TDP.

SESSION: Session 10: Standard Cell, Routability, and IR drop

Routability Booster ” Synthesize a Routing Friendly Standard Cell Library by Relaxing BEOL Resources

  • Bing-Xun Song
  • Ting Xin Lin
  • Yih-Lang Li

In recent years, the accessibility of pins has become a focal point for cell design and synthesis research. In this study, we propose a novel approach to improve routability in upper-level routing by eliminating one M1 track during cell synthesis. This creates space for accommodating upper-level routing, leading to improved routability. We achieve consolidated routability of transistor placement by integrating fast track assignment with dynamic programming-based transistor placement. Additionally, we introduce a hybrid routing algorithm that identifies an optimal cell routing territory for each net. This optimal territory facilitates subsequent Steiner Minimum Tree (SMT) solutions for mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) and constrains the routing region of MILP, resulting in accelerated execution. The proposed MILP approach enables concurrent routing planning and pin metal allocation, effectively resolving the chicken-or-egg causality dilemma. Experimental results demonstrate that, when using the routing-friendly synthesized cell library, the routing quality in various designs surpasses that achieved with a handcrafted cell library in ASAP7 PDK. This improvement is evident in metrics such as wirelength, number of vias, and design rule check (DRC) violations.

Novel Transformer Model Based Clustering Method for Standard Cell Design Automation

  • Chia-Tung Ho
  • Ajay Chandna
  • David Guan
  • Alvin Ho
  • Minsoo Kim
  • Yaguang Li
  • Haoxing Ren

Standard cells are essential components of modern digital circuit designs. With process technologies advancing beyond 5nm, more routability issues have arisen due to the decreasing number of routing tracks (RTs), increasing number and complexity of design rules, and strict patterning rules. The standard cell design automation framework is able to automatically design standard cell layouts, but it is struggling to resolve the severe routability issues in advanced nodes. As a result, a better and more efficient standard cell design automation method that can not only resolve the routability issue but also scale to hundreds of transistors to shorten the development time of standard cell libraries is highly needed and essential.

High quality device clustering with the considerations of routability in the layouts of different technology nodes can reduce the complexity and assist finding the routable layouts faster. In this paper, we develop a novel transformer model-based clustering methodology – training the model using LVS/DRC clean cell layouts and leveraging the personalized page rank vectors to cluster the devices with the attentions to netlist graph and learned embeddings from the actual LVS/DRC clean layouts. On a benchmark of 94 complex and hard-to-route standard cells, the proposed method not only generates 15% more LVS/DRC clean layouts, but also achieves average 12.7× faster than previous work. The proposed method can generate 100% LVS/DRC clean cell layouts over 1000 standard cells and achieve 14.5% smaller cell width than an industrial standard cell library.

Power Sub-Mesh Construction in Multiple Power Domain Design with IR Drop and Routability Optimization

  • Chien-Pang Lu
  • Iris Hui-Ru Jiang
  • Chung-Ching Peng
  • Mohd Mawardi Mohd Razha
  • Alessandro Uber

Multiple power domain design is prevalent for achieving aggressive power savings. In such design, power delivery to cross-domain cells poses a tough challenge at advanced technology nodes because of the stringent IR drop constraint and the routing resource competition between the secondary power routing and regular signal routing. Nevertheless, this challenge was rarely mentioned and studied in recent literature. Therefore, in this paper, we explore power sub-mesh construction to mitigate the IR drop issue for cross-domain cells and minimize its routing overhead. With the aid of physical, power, and timing related features, we train one IR drop prediction model and one design rule violation prediction model under power sub-meshes of various densities. The trained models effectively guide sub-mesh construction for cross-domain cells to budget the routing resource usage on secondary power routing and signal routing. Our experiments are conducted on industrial mobile designs manufactured by a 6nm process. Experimental results show that IR drop of cross-domain cells, the routing resource usage, and timing QoR are promising after our proposed methodology is applied.

SESSION: Session 11: Thermal Analysis and Packaging

Introduction of 3D IC Thermal Analysis Flow

  • Alex Hung

Thermal Challenge from modeling heterogeneous 2.5/3D IC-package is important for several reasons. Designing a large high power device, e.g. a AI or HPC processor without considering how to get the heat out is likely to lead to problems later on, resulting in a sub-optimal packaging solution from cost, size, weight and performance perspectives. Thermal simulation combines with physical verification. The benefits are enablement for automatic extraction, power map generation and simulation of the complete 3D IC assembly, viewing thermal map, and addressing hotspot. Make the IC design flow aware temperature and hotspot at the early design stage.

3Dblox: Unleash the Ultimate 3DIC Design Productivity

  • Jim Chang

The 3DIC design world is blooming with new ideas and new possibilities. With TSMC’s 3DFabricTM technology, new opportunities in architectural innovation have led to superior system performance and density. However, what comes with the new opportunities is the continuous rise in design complexity.

In this talk, we will introduce 3Dblox, our latest invention to ease the design complexity challenge. The 3Dblox is an innovative design language that modularizes the complex 3DIC structures to streamline the design flow, and is open and free to all industry participants. All 4 EDA vendors, including Cadence, Synopsys, Ansys, and Siemens have actively participated in this effort to provide a unified design ecosystem to unleash the ultimate 3DIC design productivity.

Enabling System Design in 3D Integration: Technologies and Methodologies

  • Hung-Ming Chen

3D integration solutions have been called for in the semiconductor market for a long time to possibly substitute the place of technology scaling. It consists of 3D IC packaging, 3D IC integration, and 3D silicon integration. 3D IC packaging has been in the market, but 3D IC and silicon integrations have obtained more attention and care due to modern system requirements on high performance computing and edge AI applications. In the need of further integration in electronics system development at lower cost, chip and package design are therefore evolving along the years [11].

First in technologies, except through-silicon-via (TSV) technology being applied for 3D stacking ICs, hybrid bonding (also called Cu-to-Cu direct bonding) and microbump bonding are used in silicon integration/advanced packaging, they were presented in [6, 7, 11], to name a few. They are prepared for chiplet-based (some papers called multi-die-based) integration. Manufacturing concerns such as thermal or stress-induced difficulties are still with us, how we use/adapt modern technologies wisely/cost-effectively has been our continuing mission. Besides, the materials for the integration such as glass instead of silicon for interposer can possibly cut us some slack [9].

Second in methodologies, since they are closely coupled with the technologies, tool vendors have been worked closely with foundries and design houses for more effective solutions. Among those efforts, die-to-die (D2D) implementation and interface are considered the top priority for system realization. Through the development history of redistribution layer (RDL) routing in different period, to the standard creation in universal chiplet interconnect express (UCIe) [8], we need to figure out ways to achieve more efficient and cost effective methods.

Last but not least, the focus of the integration has been system specification itself. Either the system is in edge or cloud applications will make a lot of difference. There have been some efforts in chiplet-based LLM cloud chips such as [3, 4]. Edge AI accelerators should be chipletized as well, especially for coming trends in smaller language model applications. Although there have been prior research for tools such as [1], we need more efforts on edge AI design automation. In all, system-technology co-design (STCO) concept [5, 10] is another perspective to approach the best implementation for different applications.

In our first attempt of the series manuscripts [2], we have introduced some perspectives on 3D integration for system designs; in this talk, we continue to depict the future of 3D integration as we know of, plus new observations, technologies, and methodologies such as programmable package, building-block-based multi-chiplet methodology.

SESSION: Session 12: Lifetime Achievement Session

Scheduling and Physical Design

  • Jason Cong

In a typical integrated circuit electronic design automation (EDA) flow, scheduling is a key step in high-level synthesis, which is the first stage of the EDA flow that synthesizes a cycle-accurate register transfer level (RTL) from the given behavior description, while physical design is the last stage in the EDA flow that generates the final geometric layout of the transistors and wires for fabrication. As a result, scheduling and physical design are usually carried out independently. In this paper, I discuss multiple research projects that I have been involved with, where the interaction between scheduling and physical design are shown to be highly beneficial. I shall start with my very first paper in EDA on multi-layer channel routing which benefited from an unexpected connection to the optimal two-processor scheduling algorithm, a joint work with Prof. Martin Wong, who is being honored at this conference for the 2024 ISPD Lifetime Achievement Award. Then, I shall further demonstrate how scheduling can help to overcome interconnect bottleneck, enable parallel placement and routing, and, finally, play a key role in layout synthesis for quantum computing.

Accelerating Physical Design from 1 to N

  • Evangeline F.Y. Young

Today, we have abundant parallel computing resources, while most EDA tools are still running sequentially. It is interesting to see how physical design can be advanced by leveraging this massive parallel computing power. To achieve significant speedup, it is usually not simply running the same sequential method a few copies in parallel. Innovative parallel algorithms that solve the problem from a new perspective using different mechanisms are needed. We will look at a few examples in physical design and logic synthesis in this talk to illustrate some methodologies and techniques in parallelizing design automation.

Pioneering Contributions of Professor Martin D. F. Wong to Automatic Floorplan Design

  • Ting-Chi Wang

Professor Martin D. F. Wong is well recognized as a distinguished figure in the community of physical design, owing to his numerous and noteworthy contributions. This talk aims to highlight his pioneering works in the field of automatic floorplan design. Professor Wong’s profound insights and innovative approaches have not only propelled advancements in the field but also served as an inspirational source for other researchers.

ISPD 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Bio

  • Martin D F Wong

The 2024 International Symposium on Physical Design lifetime achievement award goes to Professor Martin D F Wong for his oustanding contributions in the field.

SESSION: Session 13: Third Keynote

Computing Architecture for Large-Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs)

  • Bor-Sung Liang

Large-language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance in many AI applications, but they require large parameter size in their models. The parameter size ranges from several billions to trillion parameters, and results in huge computation requirements on both training and inference. General speaking, LLMs increasing more parameters are to explore “Emergent Abilities” for AI models. On the other hands, LLMs with fewer parameters are to reduce computing burden to democratize generative AI applications.

To fulfill huge computation requirement, Domain Specific Architecture is important to co-optimize AI models, hardware, and software designs, and to make trade-offs among different design parameters. Besides, there are also trade-offs between AI computation throughput and energy efficiency on different types of AI computing systems.

Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), also called Multimodal Large Language Models, integrates multiple data types as input. Multimodal information can provide rich and or environment information for LMMs to generate better user experience. LMM is also a trend for mobile devices, because mobile devices often connect with many sensors, such as video, audio, touch, gyro, navigation system, etc.

Recently, there is a trend to run smaller LLMs/LMMs (near or less than 10 billion parameters) on edge device-side, such as Llama 2, Gemini Nano, Phi-2, etc. It shines a light to apply LLMs/LMMs in mobile devices. Several companies provided experimental solutions on edge devices, such as smartphone and PC. Even LLMs/LMMs model size are reduced, they still require more computing resources than previous mobile processor workloads, and face challenges on memory size, bandwidth, and power efficiency requirements.

Besides, device-side LLMs/LMMs in mobile processors can collaborate with cloud-side LLMs/LMMs in the data center to deliver better performance. They can off-load computing from cloud-side models to provide seamless response, or to become an agent to prompt cloud-side LLMs/LMMs, or be fine-tuned locally by user data to keep privacy.

Those LLMs/LMMs trends and new usage scenarios will shape future computing architecture design. In this talk we will discuss those issues, and especially their impacts on mobile processor design.

SESSION: Session 14: Quantum and Superconducting Circuits

SMT-Based Layout Synthesis Approaches for Quantum Circuits

  • Zi-Hao Guo
  • Ting-Chi Wang

The physical qubits in current quantum computers do not all interact with each other. Therefore, in executing a quantum algorithm on an actual quantum computer, layout synthesis is a crucial step that ensures that the synthesized circuit of the quantum algorithm can run smoothly on the quantum computer. In this paper, we focus on a layout synthesis problem for quantum circuits and improve a prior work, TB-OLSQ, which adopts a transition-based satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) formulation. We present how to modify TB-OLSQ to obtain an accelerated version for runtime reduction. In addition, we extend the accelerated version by considering gate absorption for better solution quality. Our experimental results show that compared with TB-OLSQ, the accelerated version achieves 121X speedup for a set of SWAP-free circuits and 6X speedup for the other set of circuits with no increase in SWAP gates. In addition, the accelerated version with gate absorption helps reduce the number of SWAP gates by 38.9% for the circuits requiring SWAP gates, while it is also 3X faster.

Satisfiability Modulo Theories-Based Qubit Mapping for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing Systems

  • Wei-Hsiang Tseng
  • Yao-Wen Chang
  • Jie-Hong Roland Jiang

Qubit mapping is crucial in optimizing the performance of quantum algorithms for physical executions on quantum computing architectures. Many qubit mapping algorithms have been proposed for superconducting systems recently. However, due to their limitations on the physical qubit connectivity, costly SWAP gates are often required to swap logical qubits for proper quantum operations. Trapped-ion systems have emerged as an alternative quantum computing architecture and have gained much recent attention due to their relatively long coherence time, high-fidelity gates, and good scalability for multi-qubit coupling. However, the qubit mapping of the new trapped-ion systems remains a relatively untouched research problem. This paper proposes a new coupling constraint graph with multi-pin nets to model the unique constraints and connectivity patterns in one-dimensional trapped-ion systems. To minimize the time steps for quantum circuit execution satisfying the coupling constraints for trapped-ion systems, we devise a divide-and-conquer solution using Satisfiability Modulo Theories for efficient qubit mapping on trapped-ion quantum computing architectures. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in scalability and effectiveness compared to the previous work.

Optimization for Buffer and Splitter Insertion in AQFP Circuits with Local and Group Movement

  • Bing-Huan Wu
  • Wai-Kei Mak

Adiabatic quantum-flux parametron (AQFP) is a superconducting technology with extremely low power consumption compared to traditional CMOS structure. Since AQFP logic gates are all clocked by AC current, extra buffer cells are required for balancing the length of data paths. Furthermore, since the output current of an AQFP logic gate is too weak to drive more than one gate, splitter cells are needed for branching the output signals of multi-fanout gates. For an AQFP circuit, the total number of additional buffers and splitters may be much more than the number of logic gates (up to 9 times in the benchmark circuits after optimization), which would greatly impact the power, performance, and area of the circuit. In this paper, we propose several techniques to (i) reduce the total number of required buffers and splitters, and (ii) perturb the levels of logic gates in order to seek more optimization opportunities for buffer and splitter reduction. Experimental results shows that our approach has better quality with comparable runtime compared to a retiming-based method from ASP-DAC’23. Moreover, our approach has quality which is on equal footing with the integer linear programming-based method also from ASP-DAC’23.

SESSION: Session 15: Physical Design Challenges for Automotive

Design Automation Challenges for Automotive Systems

  • Chung-Wei Lin

As vehicular technology advances, vehicles become more connected and autonomous. Connectivity provides the capability to exchange information between vehicles, and autonomy provides the capability to make decisions and control each vehicle precisely. Connectivity and autonomy realize many evolutional applications, such as intelligent intersection management and cooperative adaptive cruise control. Electric vehicles are sometimes combined to create more use cases and business models. However, these intelligent features make the design process more complicated and challenging. In this talk, we introduce several examples of automotive design automation, which is required to improve the design quality and facilitate the design process. We mainly discuss the rising incompatibility issue, where different original equipment manufacturers and suppliers are developing systems, but the designs are confidential and thus incompatible with other players’ designs. The incompatibility issue is especially critical with autonomous vehicles because no human driver resolves incompatible scenarios. We believe that techniques and experiences in electronic design automation can provide insights and solutions to automotive design automation.

Physical Design Challenges for Automotive ASICs

  • Goeran Jerke

The design of automotive ASICs faces several key challenges that mainly arise from the harsh environmental operating conditions, specific functional loads, cost pressure, safety requirements, and the steady progress of the automotive-grade semiconductor technologies that are unique to automotive applications.

The talk first highlights these key differences between the design approaches for automotive and non-automotive ASIC designs. It also addresses why automotive ASIC designs prefer larger and more mature nodes compared to leading-edge non-automotive ASIC designs. In addition, the talk introduces several automotive-specific physical design problems and essential solutions for design implementation, direct-verification and meta-verification to address them. Finally, the talk provides an outlook of several related and yet-unsolved challenges in the physical design domain.

Solving the Physical Challenges for the Next Generation of Safety Critical & High Reliability Systems

  • Rob Knoth

Silicon systems have been part of automobiles for a long time. The physical design methodology to address the quality, reliability, and safety challenges of these systems are common knowledge in the leading automotive semiconductor companies. The rise of trends like autonomous driving (ADAS), software defined vehicles (SDV) and the electrification of our transportation network are giving rise to not only new levels of these challenges, but also many new players in the automotive semiconductor space. The same forces of opportunity which are transforming our society are also the foundation of a transformation in automotive semiconductor design: massive improvements in accelerated compute, 3DIC and chiplet based design, digital twins, and artificial intelligence (AI). We’ll discuss how these forces are helping modern automotive semiconductor design and highlight how the electronic design automation (EDA) industry can apply successful principles from earlier eras to these new challenges.

SESSION: Session 16: Contest Results and Closing Remarks

GPU/ML-Enhanced Large Scale Global Routing Contest

  • Rongjian Liang
  • Anthony Agnesina
  • Wen-Hao Liu
  • Haoxing Ren

Modern VLSI design flows demand scalable global routing techniques applicable across diverse design stages. In response, the ISPD 2024 contest pioneers the first GPU/ML-enhanced global routing competition, selecting advancements in GPU-accelerated computing platforms and machine learning techniques to address scalability challenges. Large-scale benchmarks, containing up to 50 million cells, offer test cases to assess global routers’ runtime and memory scalability. The contest provides simplified input/output formats and performance metrics, framing global routing challenges as mathematical optimization problems and encouraging diverse participation. Two sets of evaluation metrics are introduced: the primary one concentrates on global routing applications to guide post-placement optimization and detailed routing, focusing on congestion resolution and runtime scalability. Special honor is given based on the second set of metrics, placing additional emphasis on runtime efficiency and aiming at guiding early-stage planning.

Who’s Jianlie Yang

Jan 2024

Jianlie Yang

Associate Professor

Beihang University


Personal webpage

Research interests

EDA, Systems and Architectures for AI/DL

Short bio

Prof. Jianlei Yang received the B.S. degree in microelectronics from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2014. He is currently an Associate Professor in Beihang University, Beijing, China, with the School of Computer Science and Engineering. From 2014 to 2016, he was a post-doctoral researcher with the Department of ECE, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Prof. Jianlei Yang was the recipient of the First/Second place on ACM TAU Power Grid Simulation Contest in 2011/2012. He was a recipient of IEEE ICCD Best Paper Award in 2013, ACM GLSVLSI Best Paper Nomination in 2015, IEEE ICESS Best Paper Award in 2017, ACM SIGKDD Best Student Paper Award in 2020.

Research highlights

His research contributions primarily encompass large-scale integrated circuit simulation and analysis algorithms, emerging memory design and computation paradigms, as well as software-hardware co-design for machine learning and graph learning applications.

  • In the field of large-scale circuit simulation solvers, he has tackled the pressing need for efficient and rapid solutions for power integrity analysis in high-performance processor chip designs. His FPS-PCG and AMG-PCG algorithms have significantly enhanced the convergence of power grid solvers [ICCAD’2011/TVLSI’2014]. These accomplishments were acknowledged with honors, including first place in the 2011 TAU Power Grid Simulation Contest and second place in the 2012 TAU Power Grid Transient Simulation Contest. Furthermore, his proposed selective inverse-based vectorless verification techniques have notably improved the efficiency of large-scale vectorless verification of power supply networks [ICCD’2013/TVLSI’2015], earning him the IEEE ICCD Best Paper Award in 2013.
  • In the realm of emerging memory design and computation paradigms, he has confronted the power consumption challenges of integrated circuits in the Post-Moore’s Law era. His systematic research has resulted in the development of reliability analysis methods for spin-based memory devices and circuits, establishing theoretical foundations and solutions for non-volatile memory reliability verification [TCAD’2016]. Additionally, his work on spin-based reconfigurable logic has tackled efficiency and reliability challenges in circuit obfuscation methods within the field of chip security [TCAD’2019]. By leveraging the inherent random flipping characteristics of spin devices, he has introduced spin-based random computing circuits for Bayesian inference computation systems, significantly enhancing inference efficiency [ASPDAC’2018/TCAD’2020]. Moreover, his innovative spin-based in-memory computing architecture has addressed data access bottlenecks in graph computing, resulting in substantial improvements in graph computation efficiency [DAC’2020].
  • In the domain of software-hardware co-design, he has delved into domain-specific custom computing architectures as a means to enhance computational efficiency. His proposed dataflow optimization techniques involve deeply customizing the dataflow execution patterns of neural network models to augment hardware-friendly characteristics [TC’2022]. He pioneered the early introduction of the dynamic gradient sparsification method to accelerate deep neural network training, in conjunction with specified architecture support for algorithm-hardware co-design [ECCV’2020/DAC’2020]. Furthermore, his dataflow customization methods and dedicated architectures for large-scale visual point cloud processing have mitigated memory access bottlenecks, resulting in substantial enhancements in the speed and energy efficiency of visual computing tasks [DAC’2019/DAC’2022].


Service Awards

SIGDA has restructured its service awards, and will be giving two annual service awards.

  • Distinguished Service Award: The SIGDA Distinguished Service Award is given to individuals who have dedicated many years of their career in extraordinary services to promoting, leading, or creating ACM/SIGDA programs or events.
  • Meritorious Service Award: The SIGDA Meritorious Service Award is given to individuals who have performed professional services above and beyond traditional service to promoting, leading, or creating ACM/SIGDA programs or events.

At any given year, the number of Distinguished Service Award will be up to 2, and the number of Meritorious Service Award will be up to 4.

Nominations should consist of:

  • Award type being nominated.
  • Name, address, phone number and email of person making the nomination.
  • Name, affiliation, address, email, and telephone number of the nominee for whom the award is recommended.
  • A statement (between 200 and 500 words long) explaining why the nominee deserves the award. Note that the award is given for service that goes above and beyond traditional services.
  • Up to 2 additional letters of support. Include the name, affiliation, email address, and telephone number of the letter writer(s). Supporters of multiple candidates are strongly encouraged to compare the candidates in their letters.

Note that the nominator and reference shall come from active SIGDA volunteers. Deadline of the nomination every year: March 15 (Except 2019, May 5).

Please send all your nomination materials as one pdf file to before the deadline.

Distinguished Service Awards

2023Tulika Mitra, National University of Singapore
For her leadership in major SIGDA conferences such asgeneral chair for ICCAD and ESWEEK“.
Patrick Groeneveld, Stanford University
For his multi-year significant contribution to the EDA community, such as DAC finance chair among many other“.
2022Vijay Narayanan, The Pennsylvania State University
For Extraordinary Dedication and Leadership to SIGDA“.
Harry Foster, Siemens EDA
For Extraordinary Dedication and Persistence in Leading DAC during Pandemic“.
2021Deming Chen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
For distinguished contributions to the design automation and reconfigurable computing communities“.
Evangeline F. Y. Young, Chinese University of Hong Kong
For outstanding leadership in promoting diversity in the ACM/SIGDA community“.
2020Sri Parameswaran, University of New South Wales
“For leadership and distinguished service to the EDA community“.
2019Naehyuck Chang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
For many years of impactful service to ACM/SIGDA in various leadership positions“.
Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University
For a decade of outstanding service to ACM/SIGDA in various volunteer positions
2018Chuck Alpert, Cadence Design Systems
For significant contributions to DAC”.
Jörg Henkel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
For leading SIGDA efforts in Europe and DATE”.
Michael ‘Mac’ McNamara, Adapt-IP
For sustained contributions to the design automation community and DAC”.
Michelle Clancy, Cayenne Communication
For sustained contributions to the community, especially DAC”.
2016Steven Levitan
In recognition of a lifetime of devoted service to ACM SIGDA and the Electronic Design Automation community.
2015Tatsuo Ohtsuki, Waseda University
Hiroto Yasuura, Kyushu University
Hidetoshi Onodera, Kyoto University
For their distinguished contributions to the Asia and South Pacific Design automation Conference (ASPDAC) as well as their many years of dedicated service on the conference’s steering committee
Massoud Pedram, University of Southern California
For his many years of service as Editor in Chief of the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)
2014Peter Marwedel, Technical University of Dortmund
For his muiltiple years of service starting and maintaining the DATE PhD Forum
2012Joe Zamreno, Iowa State University
Baris Taskin, Drexel University
2011Peter Feldman, IBM
Radu Marculescu, CMU
Qinru Qiu, Syracuse University
Martin Wong, UIUC
Qing Wu, Air Force Rome Labs
2010Alex K. Jones
For dedicated service to ACM/SIGDA and the Design Automation Conference as director of the University Booth
Matt Guthaus
For dedicated service as director of SIGDA CADathlon at ICCAD program and Editor-in-Chief of the SIGDA E-Newsletter
Diana Marculescu
For dedicated service as SIGDA Chair, and contributions to SIGDA, DAC and the EDA Profession
2009Nikil Dutt
For contributions to ACM’s Special Interest Group on Design Automation during the past fifteen years as a SIGDA officer, coordinator of the University Booth in its early years, and most recently, as Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
2008SungKyu Lim
For his contributions to the DAC University Booth.”
2007Richard Goering
For his contributions as EE Times Editorial Director for Design Automation for more than two decades
Gary Smith
For his contributions as Chief EDA Analyst at Gartner Dataquest for almost two decades.”
Daniel Gajski
Mary Jane Irwin
Donald E. Thomas
Chuck Shaw

For outstanding contributions to the creation of the SIGDA/DAC University Booth, on the occasion of its 20th edition.”
Soha Hassoun
Steven P. Levitan

For outstanding contributions to the creation of the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC on the occasion of its 10th edition.”
Richard Auletta
For over a decade of service to SIGDA as University Booth Coordinator, Secretary/Treasurer, and Executive Committee Member-at-Large.
2006Robert Walker
For dedicated service as SIGDA Chair (2001 – 2005), and over a decade of service to SIGDA, DAC and the EDA profession.”
2005Mary Jane Irwin
For dedicated service as Editor in Chief of ACM Journal, TODAES (1998 – 2004), and many years of service to SIGDA, DAC, and the EDA profession.”
2004James P. Cohoon
For exemplary service to SIGDA, to ACM, to DAC, and to the EDA profession as a whole
2003James Plusquellic
For exemplary service to ACM/SIGDA and the Design Automation Conference as director of the University Booth program
2002Steven P. Levitan
For over a decade of service to ACM/SIGDA and the EDA industry — as DAC University Booth Coordinator, Student Design Contest organizer, founder and promoter of SIGDA’s web server, and most recently, Chair of ACM/SIGDA from 1997 to 2001.
Cheng-Kok Koh
For exemplary service to ACM/SIGDA and the EDA industry — as Co-director of SIGDA’s CDROM Project, as SIGDA’s Travel Grants Coordinator, and as Editor of the SIGDA Newsletter.”
2001Robert Grafton
For contributions to the EDA profession through his many years as the Program Director of NSF’s Design, Tools, and Test Program of the computer, Information Sciences & Engineering Directorate. In this position, he provided supervision, mentorship, and guidance to several generation of EDA tool designers and builders funded by grants from the National Science Foundation.”
2000Massoud Pedram
For his contributions in developing the SIGDA Multimedia Series and organizing the Young Student Support Program
Soha Hassoun
For developing the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum
1999C.L. (Dave) Liu
For his work in founding our flagship journal ACM/TODAES

Meritorious Service Awards

2023Robert Wille, Technical University of Munich
For his leading positions in major ACM SIGDA conferences, including Executive Committee of DATE, ICCAD and Chair of the PhD Forum at DAC and DATE“.
Lei Jiang, Indiana University Bloomington
For his leadership and contribution to SIGDA student research forums (SRFs) at ASP-DAC“.
Hui-Ru Jiang, National Taiwan University
For her continuous contribution to SIGDA PhD Forum at DAC and many other events“.
Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, Texas A&M University
For his leadership in co-founding and organizing Hack@DAC, the largest hardware security competition in the world“.
2022Jeff Goeders, Brigham Young University
For Chairing System Design Contest @ DAC for the Past 3 Years“.
Cheng Zhuo, Zhejiang University
For the Leading Efforts to the Success of SRC@ICCAD and SDC@DAC as Chairs for the past5 years, and the Sustained Contributions to the EDA Community in China“.
Tsung-Wei Huang, University of Utah
For Chairing CADathlon and CAD Contests at ICCAD for Three Years. These Activities Have Engaged Hundreds of Students into CAD Research“.
Yiyu Shi, University of Notre Dame
For Outstanding Services in Leading SIGDA Educational Efforts“.
2021Bei Yu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
For service as SIGDA Web Chair from 2016 to 2021, SIGDA Student Research Competition Chair in 2018 and 2019, and other SIGDA activities“.
2020Aida Todri-Sanial, LIRMM/University of Montpellier
“For service as Co-Editor-in-Chief of SIGDA e-Newsletter from 2016 to 2019 and other SIGDA activities“.
Yu Wang, Tsinghua University
For service as Co-Editor-in-Chief of SIGDA e-Newsletter from 2017 to 2019 and other SIGDA activities”.
2019Yinhe Han, Chinese Academy of Sciences
For outstanding effort in promoting EDA and SIGDA events in China
Jingtong Hu, University of Pittsburgh
For contribution to multiple SIGDA education and outreach activities
Xiaowei Xu, University of Notre Dame
For contribution to the 2018 System Design Contest at ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
2015Laleh Behjat, University of Calgary
For service as chair of the SIGDA PhD forum at DAC
Soonhoi Ha, Seoul National University
Jeonghee Shin, Apple
For their service as co-chairs of the University Booth at DAC
1998Jason Cong
Bryan Preas
Kathy Preas
Chong-Chian Koh
Cheng-Kok Koh

For contributions in producing SIGDA CD ROM’s – Archiving the knowledge of the Design Automation Community
1997Robert Walker
For his hard work as Secretary/Treasurer and University Booth Coordinator
1996Debbie Hall
For serving as ACM Program Director for SIGDA for the past 6 years

Following are some awards no longer being given:

Technical Leadership Awards

2013Jarrod Roy
Sudeep Pasricha
Sudarshan Banerjee
Srinivas Katkoori

for running CADathlon
2012Cheng Zhuo
Steve Burns
Amin Chirayu
Andrey Ayupov
Gustavo Wilke
Mustafa Ozdal
2011Raju Balasuramanian
Zhuo Li
Frank Liu
Natarajan Viswanathan
2010Cliff Sze
For contributions to the ISPD Physical Design contest, and promoting research in physical design.”
2008Hai Zhou
For contributions to the SIGDA E-Newsletter (2005-2008)
Jing Yang
For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC (2004-2008)
2007Geert Janssen
For contributions to the SIGDA CADathlon
Tony Givargis
For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC (2005-2007)
Gi-Joon Nam
For contributions to the Physical Design Contest at ISPD (2005-2007)
2006Kartik Mohanram
For contributions to the SIGDA CADathlon at ICCAD (2004-2005)
Ray Hoare
For contributions to the SIGDA University Booth at DAC (2004-2006)
Radu Marculescu
For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC (2004-2006)
Frank Liu
For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC (2005-2006)
2005Florian Krohm
For contributions to the SIGDA CADathlon at ICCAD
R. Iris Bahar
Igor Markov

For contributions to the SIGDA E-Newsletter
2004Robert Jones
For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC
2003Diana Marculescu
For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC
2002Geert Janssen
For contributions to the SIGDA CADathlon at ICCAD
Pai Chou
Abe Elfadel
Olivier Coudert
Soha Hassoun

For contributions to the SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC

1996 SIGDA Lifetime Achievement Award

Paul Weil
“For contributions to SIGDA for 13 years, most recently being in charge of Workshops.”

1996 SIGDA Leadership Award

Steve Levitan
“For Newsletter and Electronic Publishing”

1995 SIGDA Outstanding Leadership Award

Charlotte Acken
“In recognition of her efforts in managing the high school scholarship program”

1994 SIGDA Outstanding Leadership Award

Pat Hefferan
“As Editor of the SIGDA Newsletter”

Call for SIGDA Newsletter Editor-in-Chief

ACM SIGDA announces the call for Editor-in-Chief for the SIGDA Newsletter, a monthly publication for news and event information in the design automation area. The Editor-in-Chief, along with the editorial board consisting of associate editors, is responsible for collecting and compiling information, as well as composing and disseminating the monthly newsletter to the SIGDA community. Please refer to the following URL for more information about the newsletter content:

Responsibility: The Editor-in-Chief role requires the initial formation of the editorial board, and the assigning of roles to and close co-ordination with several Associate Editors in charge of the different newsletter sections, including headlines, “What is” column, recent events and awards, technical activities, upcoming submission deadlines, and job positions. The Editor-in-Chief will be appointed with effect from 1 January 2024 for an initial period of two years.

Qualifications: The candidate must be an active and respected member of the SIGDA community, as evidenced by participation in recent conferences, journals, and events associated with SIGDA. It is important that the candidate be willing to devote the time required for consistent and punctual publication of the newsletter every month, over several years.

Application: Interested community members are requested to send an email to the ACM SIGDA Communications Chair, Preeti Ranjan Panda (, with a CV and 1-2 paragraphs indicating their interest in and willingness to devote the time required for successful operation of the newsletter activity. Applications are due by 15 November 2023.


HACK@DAC is a hardware security challenge contest, co-located with the Design and Automation Conference (DAC), for finding and exploiting security-critical vulnerabilities in hardware and firmware. In this competition, participants compete to identify the security vulnerabilities, implement the related exploits, propose mitigation techniques or patches, and report them. The participants are encouraged to use any tools and techniques with a focus on theory, tooling, and automation.

       The contest mimics real-world scenarios where security engineers have to find vulnerabilities in the given design. The vulnerabilities are diverse and range from data corruption to leaking sensitive information leading to compromise of the entire computing platform. The open-source SoC riddled with security vulnerabilities has been co-developed by Intel, the Technical University of Darmstadt, and Texas A&M University. HACK@DAC has been successfully running since 2018 with several hundred contestants from academia and industry.

       HACK@DAC is the first-of-its-kind security competition focusing on SoC Security first launched at the Design Automation Conference in 2018. Since then, it attracted massive interest and participations by teams across the globe and evolved into a franchise called HACK@EVENT with annual presence at top-tier industry and academic conferences.

       HACK@DAC 2023 consists of 2 phases, a Qualifying Round and a Live Round. The Qualifying Round was open to all participants and ended in mid-May. Top teams from the Qualifying Round were invited to participate in the Live Competition on July 9-10 at the Design Automation Conference (#DAC60) in San Francisco, CA. Teams had 48 hours to find and exploit as many security vulnerabilities in the “buggy SoC” provided by the competition organizers. Points were awarded to teams that correctly identified security vulnerabilities in the design. Bonus points were earned when teams demonstrated clever use of automation in vulnerability detection and/or exploitation. Teams with the highest scores win.

                     DAC Award Ceremony on July 13, 2023.

Not Your Typical Capture-the-Flag (CTF)

To deliver an immersive, hands-on pre-silicon hacking experience, we prepared a sophisticated “buggy SoC” that incorporated industry-scale security features along with common security vulnerabilities that were inspired by real-world product issues. In addition, we enabled each team with a set of powerful commercial-grade EDA tools in the cloud, while providing options for teams to deploy their own custom tools. Participants in all SoC hacking experience levels were covered.

Behind the Scenes

The HACK@DAC organizing team is made up of industry and academia experts. A big shout-out goes to the team for their flawless execution and outstanding collaboration, working tirelessly since the beginning of the year.

HACK@DAC 2023 Winners

1st: Team “Sycuricon”, Zhejiang University, China

  • Advisor: Yajin Zhoud
  • Members: Jinyan Xu, Yiyuan Liu, Xiaodi Zhao, Jiaxun Zhu

2nd: Team “Calgary ISH”, University of Calgary, Canada

3rd: Team “Bitwise Bandits”, University of Florida, United States and Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

3rd: Team “NYU_bounty_hunters”, UNSW, Australia and New York University, United States

Congratulations to the winners of the 6th HACK@DAC Hardware Security Capture-the-Flag (CTF) Competition!

IEEE/ACM A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation

The IEEE/ACM A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation was conferred at DAC 2023 upon Moshe Vardi and Pierre Wolper for their research work “An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Automatic Program Verification”, published in the proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Logic in Computer Science,1986.

Highlights of CADAthlon Brazil 2023

The CADAthlon Brazil 2023 – 3rd Brazilian Programming Contest for Design Automation of Integrated Circuits ( took place on August 8th in João Pessoa, Paraíba State, Brazil, as a co-located event of the 43rd Annual Congress of SBC (Brazilian Computer Society). It was organized by Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Sul-Rio-Grandense Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSul), Federal Institute of Paraiba (IFPB), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) and sponsored by ACM/SIGDA, IEEE CEDA (Council on Electronic Design Automation), SBC/CECCI (SBC Special Committee on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design) and SBMicro
(Brazilian Microelectronics Society). It was financially sponsored by Synopsys, Chipus Microelectronics, EnSilica, HCLTech, ACM/SIGDA, IEEE CEDA, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) and SBC/CECCI.

As in the first edition, CADAthlon Brazil 2023 followed the same format as the ACM/SIGDA CADAthlon, which happens annually co-located with ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design). During the whole day, 10 two-person teams of students coming from different regions of Brazil worked to solve 6 practical problems on classical EDA topics such as circuit design & analysis, physical design, logic synthesis, high-level synthesis, circuit verification, and application of AI to design automation. The problems were prepared by a team of researchers from industry and academia.

This year the first place was won by team “Flamengo”, from University of Brasília (UnB), formed by Enzo Yoshio Niho and Eduardo Quirino de Oliveira, and the second place was won by team “Rabisco UFSC”, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), formed by Arthur Joao Lourenço and Bernardo Borges Sandoval. The top 2 teams were invited to participate in CADAthlon@ICCAD – SIGDA, a competition that runs in conjunction with ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design) and will be held in SanFrancisco/CA (USA), from October 29 to November 2, 2023.

The CADAthlon Brazil 2023 Organizing Committee greatly thank the Congress of SBC organizers for the logistics support, the problem preparation team and all sponsors, specially the financial support from Synopsys, Chipus Microelectronics, EnSilica, HCLTech, ACM/SIGDA, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS), SBC/CECCI (SBC Special Committee on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design) and IEEE CEDA (through the South Brazil Chapter), which made it possible to cover the travel expenses of the competitors, making the event a huge success. The next edition of CADAthlon Brazil will occur as a co-located event of the 44th Annual Congress of SBC, in July 2024, in Brasilia/DF, capital of Brazil.

Who’s Jianli Chen

July 2023

Jianli Chen


State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System,
Fudan University


Personal webpage

Research interests

Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design

Short bio

Jianli Chen is currently a professor at the State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Fudan University. He received the B.Sc. degree in information and computing sciences, the M.Sc. degree in computer application technology, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics, all from Fuzhou University, in 2007, 2009, and 2012, respectively. His research interests include optimization theory and applications, and optimization methods for VLSI physical design automation.

Dr. Chen has received two Best Paper Awards from the International Forum on Operations Research and Control Theory in 2011 and the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in 2017, three Best Paper Award candidates from DAC, and two Best Paper Award candidates from the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). He and his group were the recipient of the First Place Award at the CAD Contest at ICCAD in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. Dr. Chen has also received multiple government honors and industry awards, such as the Integrated Circuit Early Career Award from China Computer Federation in 2018, the Youth Science Award for Applied Mathematics from China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in 2020, the First Prize of Shanghai Technology Invention Award in 2020, the Special Prize for Excellent Project Award from Shanghai Industry-University-Institute Cooperation in 2021, the First Prize of the Natural Science Award from the Ministry of Education in 2022. He has served as a design automation technical committee of IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) since January 2018. He is the founder of LEDA Technology, Shanghai, China.

Research highlights

  1. Proposed an analytical approach to deal with the NP-hard problem of VLSI mixed-cell-height legalization. The paper ‘Toward Optimal Legalization for Mixed-cell-height Circuit Designs,’ based on this achievement, won the DAC 2017 Best Paper Award.
  2. Led the research team to win three champions at the CAD Contest at ICCAD from 2017 to 2019, the 2nd place in ICCAD’20, the 3rd place in ICCAD’21, and the 1st place in ISPD Contest 2023. Furthermore, the team’s achievements have become an integral part of the core technology used in LEDA’s products.
  3. Developed placement engine, which is capable of efficiently processing tens of millions of cells. This innovation has significantly contributed to the advancement of integrated circuit placement algorithms and has been incorporated into the IEEE CEDA Reference Design Flow (RDF) since 2019.